Get Search suggestions
Search Suggestions
End Point
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
orgId* | String | Your Org ID |
keyword* | String | The text the user searches for |
lang* | String | language of the store |
type* | String | type of the suggestion |
autosuggest category* | Boolean | flag - to include category suggestions or not |
fuzzy_suggest* | Boolean | flag - to use fuzzy suggested |
spell_word_segementation* | Boolean | flag - to include word Segmentation for the suggestions |
language_spell_check* | Boolean | flag - to enable spell check |
Name | Type | Description |
Accept* | String | application/json |
Content_type* | String | application/json |
X-Cartup-Access-Token* | String | $CARTUP_API_KEY |
X-Cartup-orgId * | String | $CARTUP_ORD_ID |
Request samples
Last updated